In general, pick-up products are only released in e-format to prevent widespread public/expert access to their nonsense. Only people already lured into the industry by misleading ads will ever know about these products. Which is the way these companies want it.
If real experts were to watch a Lovesystems (over-priced) video on body language, RSD teach psychology to students, etc., they would likely immediately discredit them for not being accurate.
For a fraction of the cost of an industry product, people could learn about psychology, sociology, body language, etc. from world-recognized experts whose work is peer-reviewed. The pick-up industry knows this and tries to keep their nonsense hidden from the experts and wrapped up in more and more jargon. The more inaccessible to review, the better.
As an example, I love learning about body language, microexpressions/subtle expressions, psychology, and sociology. For $500 I could buy Lovesystems body language product, which is garbage (I haven't seen it, but reviews have been horrible).
Or I could spend less than $500 to get body-language books from: Ekman, Pease, and Goffman, all acknowledged experts. I could also buy online microexpression and subtle expression training courses through Matsumoto another recognized world expert with peer-reviewed products.
I could also further refine my knowledge to learn about
: detecting lies (Vrij), affect psychology and emotional expression (Tomkins), even poker tells (Navarro).
I could, and did, buy these books and courses for my own interest for much less than Lovesytems' garbage body-language product costs alone. I am now a certified expert in micro and subtle expressions, and have a head full of useful knowledge and understanding that I wouldn't even get a small fraction of were I to have bought the pick-up industry's offerings.
Save money, learn from experts not buffoons.
I lost you at the point where you tell us, what
use could you possibly derive from all that. (Did you even get to that part? Sorry my yawning distracted me. I have ADD.)
Anyway, yes. What PRACTICAL USE does all of this have? Is this PURE MENTAL MASTURBATION? Or is this something like a hobby?
I have esoteric hobbies too, but I don't pretend it gets me or anybody else laid.
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I use that information everyday in my social interactions. It doesn't all have to be solely about dating.
I guess my convoluted point is why spend large $$ on a product shipped by buffoons when you can become very informed by real experts at a fraction of the price? If you want to take it further, get a degree and become an expert yourself.
An expert, by legal definition for use in a court case, must have a PhD in a field. In other places, experts are those who have been trained and evaluated by recognized experts in both the subject and how to train other experts.
No PUA "guru" that I know of is a recognized "expert" in anything they teach. And even "gurus" with some accredation, Papa and Savoy have degrees, they aren't recognized teachers of even their area of study. Why would you listen to them at all as an expert?
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These guys are not scientists. They think they are because they might have slept with a hot blonde. Now they are experts. They read stuff on body language (oh only 7% of your communication is verbal which is pure bullshit), evolution, psychology from a dixie cup or back of a comic book and think its the "word of God." All to make money from guys that really need the help from experts (if there are any true good ones).
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You make a good point, Thor. In pick-up there is no "expert" accredation system.
At the same time, guys teaching these courses were usually a student themselves of the same industry. Thus, the "gurus" teaching these expensive courses were having social and dating issues themselves not that long ago.
Personally, I learned how to get better with women by hanging out with guys who were really good at it. Guys who were good socially and with women for many years and who had a strong reputation for being ladies' men. Not by learning from someone as clueless as I was.
I made friends with cool guys who were good with ladies, had some fun times hanging out with them meeting people, and bought a round of drinks once and a while. In my experience, that's the fun, effective, and much cheaper way to learn the social skills necessary to become popular with women and people in general.
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I don't
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And the industry KNOWS that stuff gets pirated a LOT on the net so they use that to lure people into bootcamps and personal sessions.
I mean WHO actually buys any stuff from these people?
Even the stuff I like I haven't spent money on!
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I suspect a pick-up company either owns ThePlace or runs their group-buys while pocketing the buy money and getting something rather than nothing out of the downloaders.
I've never heard anyone else make this accusation, this is only my su....ion.
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Aren't you the douche with his arm around Erika "Awakening"? She is likely the most harmful fraudster out there.
By offering pseudo-psychological therapy to those who may actually need therapy, she is providing a fraudulent health service. I truly feel Erika "Awakening", and medical fraudsters like her, deserve a long stay in a cold, dark jail cell. Their false therapies could lead to someone getting seriously messed up and even damaged permanently.
Stop being a hypocrite, Lefty. You spend your days pushing away the pick-up industry with one hand while beckoning the same scum bags with the other.
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Dude I could not have said it better myself! I doubt this will be addressed.
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Well, I got lot out from body language books, but I didn't read them to get laid, but get better idea about my clients. On almost every field, you can easily find at least one or two solid books that contain practical, easy advice that can be applied right away to your life. The trick is just finding the right ones.
Originally Posted by Vibe
Aren't you the douche with his arm around Erika "Awakening"?
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I need them for client interaction. All the ones I read said the same silly thing: figeting means lying, looking to the left means lying, a big smile means the person is happy, etc..
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Where did you get this photo dude and is the guy in waiting a guy or a girl? Can't he pull his pants down when the other guy is finished?
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Where were you four years ago? I'm beginning to realize this now. Instead of buying expensive and overpriced PUA products, I've started purchasing audiobooks, which are a fraction of the cost of a PUA audio/video product, and getting alot of value out of that product. Another problem here is that almost anybody can be sold as an expert in the PUA community. So persons who are not
experts are marketed as experts. A good example of this are several of the "dating gurus" David DeAngelo has interviewed or had as guest speakers at his seminars. David D has also interviewed real experts, guys like Nathaneil Brannon, Geoffrey Miller, and Robert Greene, which complicates things, and makes it seem like as if he's applying the same interview criteria to all his guests, when he's not. Basically, some of the guys he's interviewed are just friends, or customers of his products who have a success story to tell, others are authors with mainstream readers, and Ph.Ds.